Here you can find all necessary info about transport in Argentina, hotels in Patagonia, money exchange in Argentina, food and safety to prepare yourself to a trip to Patagonia.
Travel tips
Find it impossible to sort out all the info out there and looking for some suggestions before taking off? After our first-hand experiences, here are some useful pieces of information to prepare yourself and really enjoy your trip.
Inca Trail FAQ
Here you can find all the answers to your practical questions about the Inca Trail: is it worth it, which agency to choose, what to bring and many other useful tips to be ready to go.
Peru travel tips: all you need to know
Are you dreaming of going to Peru with its mountains and Machu Picchu? Check out our useful tips regarding transportation, accommodation, safety and food for your next trip to Peru.
Thailand travel tips: all you need to know
Impossible to resist the charm of Thailand? We can’t blame you! Check out our useful tips for a stress-free trip; transportation, organization, accommodation and food or even safety, here is all you need to know before taking off to Thailand.
Morocco travel tips: all you need to know
All travel tips we thought you should know to prepare your trip to Morocco, including paperwork, budget or transport.
Greece travel tips: all you need to know
All travel tips that might be useful before you go on a trip to Greece, from paperwork, to budget, to transport.